Olja Savičević Ivančević is a poet, a fact the reader is very well aware of: her use of language is skilful, economic, clear, and most importantly, seductive. Summers with
Maria is a tale of (non)belonging, comings and goings, about the corrosive effect of time on the illusions of the youth. Like a river, it flows, yet stays in place.”Magdalena Blažević
If this is an autofictional novel, as some critics suggest, it is then a masterclass in autofiction in the post-yugoslavian literature, skilfully borrowing novelistic
strategies without losing any of its accesibility.Maja Abadžija | Booksa
“As in Savičević’ earlier works, the centre of this literary universe is the Mediterranean, which shines most in the summer. The summer is one of the key motives not only in the title, but in the overall atmosphere of the novel that the author creates, masterfully as ever. All is bursting with senses, everything you can touch, read, smell. Everything in Summers with Maria is rich and opulent, everything is “magical, soft and marvellous” even though we know well it is not and that paradox is its essence, and summers exist so we could see things clearer, more rooted in reality.”
Jagna Pogačnik | Kritika HDP-a