What makes Pilić so successful? We are talking about an author that superbly knows how to edit multiple digressions and various branches of a plot, an author who knows how to extract out of reality the very best for his fiction, who relies on cinematic and literary references when needed and who can link the seemingly unlinkable, for instance laughter and violence or male psychology and literary concepts.
Jagna Pogačnik | Literary critic
Basing itself precisely on the produced factographical information, Tatoo, a novel within the novel, approaches the theme of teenage bullying and coldblooded murder from the intriguing executioners’ point of view and structures itself as a classic psychological thriller which strongly debates the idea of an ethical responsibility within a text and the social relevance of its theme. Although the intent of this novel within a novel isn’t to psychologize its anti-heroes or to represent the social genesis of their killer instincts, it still indirectly argues about the dangers of a virtual society that treats this “unbearable lightness of killing” both as a narrative and as a global trend.
Anera Ryznar | University professor, Quorum