Made in Slovenia
Beletrina, 2007, 190 pages
Translation rights sold: Poland (Biblioteka Balkan), Serbia (Rende), Czech Republic (Duhapress), Macedonia (Magor)
In short story collection Made in Slovenia Aleš Čar did something that is very difficult to do – he caught Zeitgeist on three printed pages (which is the length of the stories), he caught daily routines into fiction starting with public news accessible to everyone and finishing with private worlds and little stories with an emphasis on the individuals and their destiny.
The short stories collection Made in Slovenia is sort of a logical continuation of Čar’s previous prose works, though at the same time it represents a new level in his op us. This is due to his circularly concluded concept with its own rules. Each story opens with a quote from the press in the year 2006 and that very quote serves as a trigger of the story, sort of recordings of the reality turning into fiction. This quotes are actually a simple local chronicle, Made in Slovenia chronicle, yet at the same time the chronicle of the present global moment we live in, regardless of our state borders. Čar is a great master of minimalism – as he proved with his previous works already – a writer who manages to write a complete story and build a complete world on a very small space.
Made in Slovenia collection shows an author who is the analytical eye of our time, a prosaic who very well knows what to do with this tragic reality impudently offering itself as literary topic and who very subtly, so to say filigree, builds the worlds of fiction that function also above it and goes much further than the quotes the stories grow out of. Čar is a master of wide range of emotions, tonalities and intensities; he simply knows how to write a witty story that is neither banal or tragic nor pathetic or grotesque, without crossing the border of good taste, realistically keeping the story functioning as good fiction. His writing is full of witty dialogs, convincing descriptions, suggestive atmosphere and urban language.